Einzigartig und merkwürdig
why not?

Über uns

"DAS LOCH" sounds like a unique and intense experience, a place where adventurous adults gather to embrace the thrill of noise, surrounded by the ambiance of a dark, uncomfortable cellar illuminated by eerie red lights. The presence of drugs and alcohol adds to the edgy atmosphere, making it a labyrinth of sensations and emotions. It seems like a space designed for those who seek unconventional and intense experiences, pushing the boundaries of conventional entertainment. Remember to prioritize safety and well-being in any adventurous pursuits!


Die Band called VERY SORRY

The artist you're describing is undoubtedly pushing the boundaries of experimental performance art. By utilizing unconventional instruments like a microwave and incorporating loop machines, they create a cacophony of noise. The act of hammering on the microwave and even cooking popcorn inside it adds a layer of visceral intensity to the performance. Pairing this with painful screams demonstrates a raw and daring approach, blurring the lines between art and discomfort. Entering a trance-like state during the performance suggests a deep connection between the artist and their craft, immersing themselves fully into the chaotic and intense soundscape they're creating. By challenging the audience, this artist invites them to confront their own boundaries and preconceptions about art and music. This kind of extreme experimental noise art is not for the faint-hearted, but it undoubtedly serves as a powerful and unconventional form of self-expression, pushing the limits of what is traditionally considered music or performance art.

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